Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Homeward Bound

Well, after 95 days, 20 countries and 1 backpack, I am on my way home !!! Although, before I do come home, I think there is still more to see. At the time of writing this blog entry I have boarded a plane headed for Sydney. I think I'll go around one more time.....
You didn't fall for that one, did you????
I am on my way home and so for the last entry I just wanted to thank you all for following the journey and for your continued support, without which I may never have made it through.
Seeing the world has completely changed my life, but more than anything, it has given me an immense sense of pride and admiration for America and for the total validation of what Dorothy claimed years ago in the poppy field.."There is no place like home".
See you all real soon.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Peru Pics

Canyon leading the way...
Peruvian Dragonfly

Punta Hermosa
Punta Roca in Peru

Punta Hermosa, Peru

Arriving in Peru was a great experience. Flying over the Andes Montains gave quite a view even at 36,000 feet. Good thing they weren't showing "Alive" as the in flight movie..
The trip down to the sleepy surfing village of Punta Hermosa from Lima took about an hour. Suddenly in a maze of dirt roads and old beetles and VW micro buses, I arrive. Carved out from mudslides from the mountains of Peru, Punta Hermosa has been placed on the map for its production of great waves and great surfers.
An interesting side note I also picked up is that Peru is the only country in the world where the local soft drink of choice, Inca Kola, is consumed in larger quantities then Coca Cola....
I really loved my time in Punta Hermosa and am planning on a return trip to Peru to see the world famous Inca ruins of Machu Picchu. I didnt allocate enough time to take the trip up on this trip..
The waves were amazing and the country was a delight..
I have changed course to avoid Mexcio so my next stop is Miami.. I'm not sure what kind of waves I'll see but South Beach seems as good a paradistical setting as I'll find in the good ole' USA....
I am sooo happy to be coming to America and I just know the next week or so before coming home will fly by...See you all soon..

Buenos Aires Pics

Puente de la mujer, bridge of the women